
Privacy & Cookies Policy

"Medixsoft & eKohi" Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (this "Privacy Policy") tells you about the information that “Medixsoft, Inc.” (the "Company," "we" or "our") collects in connection with the operation of its website, accessible via “ekohi.com, medixsoft.com” (the "Site"), including when accessed through any state/district/school link that connects to the Site, how the information is used and how you can access and correct certain information that we may collect. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "you" and "user" means a Local Education Agency (LEA) employee, an affiliated student, or the parent or guardian of an affiliated student, who is accessing the Site through a particular username and password. Accounts for students may be created by their teachers or another entity or affiliate of the LEA (an "Authorized Person").

Please note that this Privacy Policy applies only to information collected from you (or, if you were enrolled by a third party, such as a school district or teacher (each, an "Authorized Person") from such Authorized Person) by the Company via the Site and does not apply to information obtained or disclosed through offline correspondence or personal contacts with the Company's representatives.


By using the Site, you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you may not use the Site. The Company reserves the right, in our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy from time to time, upon providing you with prior notice. We agree that changes cannot be retroactive. Changes to the Privacy Policy will be made effective upon providing you with thirty (30) days notice. Notice will be provided by posting it online. For material changes to this Privacy Policy that affect the collection or use of personal information from students, we will notify and obtain the prior verifiable consent from the Authorized Person.

Standard Provisions

If you are accessing “any Products of Medixsoft or Ekohi” on behalf of a School or District, the following provisions also apply:

  • You represent and warrant that you are solely responsible for complying with the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), where applicable to you. Where applicable, you must obtain verifiable parental consent (“Consent”) from all parents whose children will be accessing “Medixsoft, Inc” site and provide a copy to us. For more information on COPPA, please see www.ftc.gov/privacy.
  • You must provide parents with a copy of our Privacy Policy.
  • You will only grant access codes to teachers and staff members who are current employees of your school or district. Upon termination of a teacher or other staff member’s employment with you, you will require such individual to return and cease using all access codes he or she has in his or her possession. If at any time you learn a user of Medixsoft, Inc claims to be affiliated with your school or district who is not, in fact, affiliated with your school or district, you will notify Medixsoft, Inc immediately.

If you are accessing Medixsoft as a Teacher, the following provisions also apply:

  • You represent and warrant that you have permission from your school or district to enter into these Terms, to use “Medixsoft, Inc and its products” as part of your curriculum.
  • You represent and warrant that you are solely responsible for complying with COPPA, where applicable to you, which requires verifiable parental consent for online collection of personal information from children under 13.
  • Where applicable, you must obtain Consent from all parents whose children under 13 will be accessing “Medixsoft, Inc and its products” and provide a copy to us. For more information on COPPA, please see www.ftc.gov/privacy.
  • When obtaining Consent, you must provide parents with a copy of our Privacy Policy.

If you are accessing “Medixsoft, Inc Products” as a Parent, the following provisions also apply:

  • You will only use the parent code(s) provided to you by your child or children’s teacher.
  • You understand that your acceptance of these Terms indicates that you are agreeing to these Terms both on your own behalf as well as on behalf of your child or children who use “Medixsoft, Inc and its products”.

Internet Privacy & Security

“Medixsoft, Inc” and your school work together to protect the online privacy of all of your school community members that use “Medixsoft, Inc and its products”, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Medixsoft, Inc information collection, security, and privacy policies have been authorized by your school or teacher, and Medixsoft, Inc strives to manage your school's internet services in a secure manner. For example, Medixsoft, Inc uses industry-standard technology called SSL (Secure Socket Layer). SSL encrypts information transmitted across the internet to and from Medixsoft, Inc. You will know that SSL is working when you see the presence of an image of a closed lock or solid key in the bottom bar of your browser window. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure and “hacker-proof,” and Medixsoft, Inc cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information managed by the site, whether transmitted to Medixsoft, Inc by you, your school, or your teacher. Medixsoft, Inc shall not be liable if a security breach occurs, if the site malfunctions, or if information is misused or mismanaged in any way to your detriment or the detriment of a third party, whether by Medixsoft, Inc, your school, your teacher, or an unauthorized third party.

Information Collection & Use of your Personal Information

Medixsoft, Inc collects and analyzes data on how the service is used in the aggregate (how groups of people use Medixsoft, Inc) for the purpose of improving and enhancing its service. For example, Medixsoft, Inc might learn that school news and announcement pages receive a great deal of traffic, which might influence how this aspect of the service is delivered in the future. Medixsoft, Inc does not analyze information on how particular individuals use the service as part of general reporting procedures or in the usual course of business. However, information on individual usage of the system, including but not limited to individual IP addresses, may be analyzed on a case-specific basis to resolve a technical difficulty or to assist in resolving or investigating any misuse of the service; also, such individual usage information may be furnished to your school if your school requests such information to assist in the investigation of fraudulent, abusive, or criminal activity or any other use of Medixsoft, Inc that violates your school's rules or policies.

In order to create an account, Medixsoft, Inc does require that all users create a screen name and password, which is stored on the site, and collects the following other personal information: first and last name, date of birth (only used by Medixsoft, Inc to determine if the student is under the age of 13), email (not required for students). We do not sell, share, rent or trade your personal information with any third parties other than as disclosed within this privacy policy. If you wish to obtain a quote we request your name, email address, phone number, position, school, size of school, city and state/country. We use this information to provide you with the best quote possible.

A child's participation or access to an activity cannot be conditioned on her providing more Personal Information than is reasonably necessary for that activity. Parents have the right to refuse further contact with their child by the site and have access to their child's information to have it deleted by contacting the school administrator.

Parents have the right to consent to the site's use of the child's Personal Information without having to consent to its disclosure of that information to third parties by contacting the school administrator.

As required by your school as part of their information management efforts. For example, if your school uses a certain third-party company to manage their classroom scheduling and attendance system, necessary information may be shared with that company to assist in those administrative tasks. These information collection, management, and disclosure practices apply to parents, teachers, administrators, and students. If you are a parent, you agree that this is acceptable for you as well as any of your children that use Medixsoft, Inc. If you are a teacher, you agree that this is acceptable for you as well as any of your students that use Medixsoft, Inc.

Medixsoft, Inc does not share, sell, rent or trade adult or children's personal information with third parties other than as disclosed within this privacy policy. We utilize certain third-party services to help us understand certain activities, so that we can improve the quality of our service. An example of such activities would be services that allow us to analyze our usage data. These services would be required to access non-personal information, solely for the purpose of improving service. No information at any point would be transferred or sold. For additional information regarding the third-party service providers, please contact Medixsoft at privacy@medixsoft.com.

We may disclose your or your child’s personally identifiable information in connection with business transfers and purchases. As we continue to develop our business we may buy or sell business divisions or companies, we may merge or combine with another company, or our company itself and/or all or a significant part of its assets may be acquired by another company. We may provide any information we have to a potential counter-party in any such potential transaction. If such a transaction is completed, your or your child’s personally identifiable information may be one of the transferred and shared business assets. In the event that information is shared in this manner, notice will be posted on our Site.

We may also share de-identified and/or aggregated data with others for their own uses.

We reserve the right to disclose your or your child's personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our Web site.

Medixsoft, Inc Usage Information and Cookies:

When using “Medixsoft, Inc, and its products”, our servers automatically collect the Internet Protocol ("IP") address associated with the user's computer. We may also collect additional information such as login timestamp, the browser type and version, and the operating system of the computer. This information is logged to help us to diagnose technical problems and to administer Medixsoft, Inc.

To collect information about the use of Medixsoft, Inc, we use cookies. Cookies are small data files sent by a website or application and stored on the computer or device at the request of that site or app. Cookies store information related to the browser to enable us to recognize the browser on return visits to Medixsoft, Inc and to remember your preferences. We use third-party service providers to assist us in collecting and understanding the usage information. Most browsers can be set to detect browser cookies and to let you reject them, but refusing cookies may make it difficult to use Medixsoft, Inc and its products. To learn more about browser cookies, including how to manage or delete them, look in the Tools, Help or similar section of your Web browser.


We are committed to protecting the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data through the use of physical and technical safeguards. Medixsoft,Inc uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology protects information using both server authentication and data encryption to help ensure that data are safe, secure, and available only to authorized users using a supported web browser.

We host Client data in secure server and cloud-based environments that use a firewall and other industry-standard technology in an effort to prevent interference or access from outside intruders. We also require unique account identifiers, user names, and passwords that must be entered each time Clients, students or parents sign on to Medixsoft, Inc. The Internet, however, is not perfectly secure and Medixsoft, Inc is not responsible for security breaches not reasonably within its control.

We require that Clients maintain the confidentiality of their user names and passwords. If Clients become aware of any unauthorized use of an account, loss of their or their students' or parents' account credentials or suspect a security breach, notify us immediately.

Data Retention

As a system of record for its Clients, Medixsoft, Inc retains the data at the sole discretion of Clients, and for as long as they have active agreements for Medixsoft, Inc. After termination of an agreement, Medixsoft, Inc will retain Client data for a limited time period in accordance with the Medixsoft, Inc Data Retention Policy for the convenience of Clients, so that they may retain continuity of their experience should they choose to reengage with Medixsoft, Inc. At the end of the data retention period, we securely delete and destroy personal information from Clients.

However, at any time upon termination of an agreement or otherwise at their discretion, Clients may submit a written request to have their personal information provided to Medixsoft, Inc deleted. We will comply with such written requests within (30) days.

Subject to prior agreement, Clients may choose to retain their data from users in lower grades for Medixsoft, Inc services for higher grades. The data will always remain under the direct control of the Client and subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Note that in the event that a user chooses to submit data to a postsecondary institution, we are unable to delete or otherwise retract that information from the receiving institution.

Notwithstanding the above, we do retain aggregated, de-identified data for the purposes described in the section titled, "How We Use and Disclose Information."


If you are the parent and guardian of a student using Medixsoft, Inc and its products and cease to agree with Medixsoft, Inc’s terms of use and privacy policy at some point in the future, you may opt-out by contacting (a) your Subscriber (typically your school) Medixsoft, Inc administrator if you are an Enterprise account user, or (b) Medixsoft, Inc at privacy@medixsoft.com if you are a basic account user.

Your Responsibility Regarding Use of the Service

It is your responsibility not to disclose your activation code, screen name and password to anyone. It is your responsibility to use this Service only for the purpose in which it was intended. Any use of the Service not in accordance with the intended purpose is prohibited.

User Generated Content

Medixsoft, Inc does not control the messages, information or files delivered to Discussion, Feedback Boards and any other user generated content. You understand and agree that Medixsoft, Inc has no obligation to monitor the Discussion, Feedback Boards or other user generated content. You also agree and understand that Subscribers choose to restrict or monitor your access to Discussion and Feedback Boards for any reason and you agree to bound by any such restrictions or monitoring.

Both Medixsoft, Inc and Subscriber reserve the right at all times to disclose any information posted by you or any other user as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or governmental request, or to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, that in Medixsoft, Inc’s sole discretion are objectionable or in violation of these terms of use.

Your school may use Medixsoft, Inc to host forums for online discussion or message posting about issues important to your community or school. Your school will decide how these online forums are used, including whether they are available to students. Except for those students under the age of 13, users may have the capability to post information that may be available to members of other schools or the public internet. You should be aware that any personally identifiable information you submit there can be read, collected, or used by other users of the forums, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. You school will decide how it wishes to use online discussion and message boards. We are not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these forums. To request removal of your personal information from our blog or community forum, contact us at info@medixsoft.com. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.

Publishing Content / Communications

If you are a user age 13 or over, you acknowledge that all communications on Discussion, Feedback Boards, and any other user generated content are public and not private communications, therefore others may read what you say on the Internet without your knowledge. If you are a user under the age of 13, you acknowledge that all communications on Discussion, Feedback Boards, and any other user generated content may be viewed by other members within your school. Always use caution when giving out any personally identifying information about yourself or your children on any Discussion or Feedback Board. Educate your children as to the proper way to use a Discussion or Feedback Board and the Internet.

Medixsoft, Inc does not control or endorse the content, messages or information found in any Discussion or Feedback Board and, therefore, specifically disclaims any liability with regard to the Discussion or Feedback Boards and any actions resulting from your participation in any on-line Discussion board service. The managers and hosts of these boards are not authorized Medixsoft, Inc spokespersons, and their views do not necessarily reflect those of Medixsoft, Inc.


In an attempt to provide increased value to our users, this Site may contain links to other sites on the Internet that are owned and operated by third parties other than the Company (may include, without limitation, your state education agency, your school district and your school) (the "External Sites"). However, no such third party is affiliated with the Company, the Company has no control over these linked sites, all of which have separate privacy and data collection practices independent of the Company. The Company has no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of External Sites. These External Sites are only for your convenience and therefore you access them at your own risk, and you may be subject to the terms and conditions and the privacy policies imposed by such third parties. Links do not imply that the Company sponsors, endorses, is affiliated with or associated with, or has been legally authorized to use any trademark, trade name, service mark, design, logo, symbol or other copyrighted materials displayed on or accessible through such External Sites. Nonetheless, the Company seeks to protect the integrity of its Site and the links placed upon it and therefore requests any feedback on not only its own Site, but for sites it links to as well (including if a specific link does not work). You should contact the Site administrator or Webmaster for those External Sites if you have any concerns regarding such links or the content located on such External Sites.

Updating, Correcting or Deleting Personally Identifiable Information

If yours or your child's personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update, or delete it by making the change on our member information page or by emailing our Customer Support at info@medixsoft.com. We will respond your access request within 30 days.

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at info@medixsoft.com. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


If you click on a link to a third-party site, you will leave Medixsoft.com and be redirected to the site you selected. Because we cannot control the activities of third parties, we cannot accept responsibility for any use of your personally identifiable information by such third parties, and we cannot guarantee that they will adhere to the same privacy practices as Medixsoft.com. We encourage you to review the privacy statements of any other service provider from whom you request services. If you visit a third-party website that is linked to the medixsoft.com site, you should read that site's privacy statement before providing any personally identifiable information.

Log Files

As true of most Web Sites, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information may include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. We do not link this automatically collected data to other information we collect about you.


The Company welcomes questions and comments about this Privacy Policy.
Questions or comments should be directed to the address below:

Medixsoft Inc.
385 W. Main St, Suite#100
Lewisville, TX 75057
Phone: (214)244-8577
Email: info@medixsoft.com